
The Doolittle Raid - The B-25's
80 men took part in the raid. Five men each in
sixteen planes.
10,000 Navy personnel in the Task Force that launched
One man killed on bail-out after mission, Leland D. Faktor, 17003211,
Corporal. He was buried by Rev. John M. Birch after whom the John Birch Society was later named.
Two men from Crew #6 drowned as a result of crash landing in
the water off China coast. Donald E. Fitzmaurice, 17004360, Sergeant William J. Dieter, 6565763, Staff Sergeant
Eight men captured by the Japanese - Hallmark, Meder, Nielsen,
Farrow, Hite, Barr, Spatz, and DeShazer Three executed by firing squad - Hallmark, Farrow, and Spatz One died of beri-beri
and malnutrition while in prison - Meder Four survived 40 months of prison, most of which was in solitary confinement.
Following the Tokyo Raid, the crews of two planes were missing.
On August 15, 1942. it was learned from the Swiss Consulate General in Shanghai that eight American flyers were prisoners
of the Japanese at Police Headquarters in that city. On October 19, 1942, the Japanese broadcast that they had tried two
crews of the Tokyo Raid and had sentenced them to death, but that a larger number of them had received commutation of their
sentences to life imprisonment and a lesser number had been executed. No names or facts were given.
After the war,
the facts were uncovered in a War Crimes Trial held at Shanghai which opened in February 1946 to try four Japanese officers
for mistreatment of the eight POWs of the Tokyo Raid. Two of the original ten men, Dieter and Fitzmaurice, had died when their
B-25 ditched off the coast of China. The other eight, Hallmark, Meder, Nielsen, Farrow, Hite, Barr, Spatz, and DeShazer were
captured. In addition to being tortured, they contracted dysentery and beri-beri as a result of the deplorable conditions
under which they were confined.
On August 28, 1942, Hallmark, Farrow, and Spatz were given a "trial" by Japanese officers,
although they were never told the charges against them. On October 14, 1942, Hallmark, Farrow, and Spatz were advised they
were to be executed the next day. At 4:30 p.m. on October 15, 1942 the three Americans were brought by truck to Public Cemetery
No. 1 outside Shanghai. In accordance with proper ceremonial procedures of the Japanese military, they were then shot.
other five men remained in military confinement on a starvation diet, their health rapidly deteriorating. In April 1943, they
were moved to Nanking and on December 1, 1943, Meder died. The other four men began to receive a slight improvement in their
treatment and by sheer determination and the comfort they received from a lone copy of the Bible, they survived to August
1945 when they were freed. The four Japanese officers tried for their war crimes against the eight Tokyo Raiders were found
guilty. Three were sentenced to hard labor for five years and the fourth to a nine year sentence.
Five Raiders have become Generals. James H. Doolittle John A. Hilger David
M. Jones Everett W. Holstrom Richard A. Knobloch They were all pilots on Doolittle Raid except Knobloch, who was
a Co-pilot.
Most raiders flew additional combat missions after Tokyo Raid.
Four raiders became POW's of the Germans later on in the war.
Thirteen raiders died later during WWII, most in action against
the enemy.
All 80 raiders received the Distinguished Flying Cross for this
mission. Those imprisoned and tortured were also awarded the Purple Heart. Two raiders received the Silver Star
for gallantry in the line of duty, Dr. Thomas R. White and David Thatcher. All raiders received decorations from the Chinese Government. General
Doolittle received the Medal of Honor from President Roosevelt.
Thirteen raiders were born in Texas. Tied for second is Massachusetts
and Oregon with 5 each. California and New York next with four each.
Thirty Five states can claim Tokyo Raiders as the place of birth,
including Hawaii.
There was one physician, Dr. Thomas R. White, on the raid.
He flew as a Gunner in order to go on the raid. He was one of the two raiders to receive the the Silver Star for Gallantry
in the line of duty for saving the life of Lieutenant Ted Lawson by amputating his leg shortly after the bail out and donated
some of his own blood by transfusion.
Two men have been named "Honorary Tokyo Raiders". Lieutenant
Henry L. Miller, USN. He supervised the take-off training of the Doolittle Group at Eglin Field, Florida and accompanied
them to the take-off point on the Carrier USS Hornet. Tung Sheng Liu, a Chinese engineer who helped a number of Tokyo Raiders
escape to safety.
Two Navy men lost their lives after the carrier Hornet launched
the Doolittle Raiders. A plane from the Hornet ran out of gas while on a patrol mission and ditched in the sea.
Another plane was lost due to enemy action. One USN sailor lost his arm in a propeller while the last plane from the Tokyo
Raiders group was being moved into position on the flight deck.
Five Japanese sailors from the picket boat which was sunk were
taken prisoner by the Navy while the planes were being launched.
The Tokyo raiders were not the first men to ever take a land-based
bomber off an aircraft carrier. Two Army Air Forces pilots took two B-25's off the Hornet's deck on February 2, 1942
to see if it could be done. Neither of these two pilots were on the Doolittle Raid.
The idea of having land-based planes take off from a carrier
was first thought of by General Henry H. "Hap" Arnold in connection with the landings in North Africa. The idea of the
Tokyo Raid using land-based bombers belongs to Admiral Francis S. Low, a submariner on the staff of Admiral Ernest S. King.
Jimmy Doolittle had never been a Captain or a Colonel.
He resigned his regular commission as a 1st Lieutenant in 1930 and left active duty. He was given Reserve commission
as a Major. He was recalled to active duty at his own request in 1940 as a Major. He was a Lieutenant Colonel
at the time of the Tokyo Raid. He was promoted to Brigadier General after the raid, skipping the rank of Colonel.
He retired as a Lieutenant General, Air Force Reserve - the only Reserve officer to ever retire in that rank. He gave
1/2 of his reserve retired pay to Air Force Aid Society and the other 1/2 to the Air Force Academy Foundation. Doolittle
was promoted to full general in 1985 by special act of Congress.
Airplane #40-2344 Take off at 0820 (8:20am) Ship Time, Pilot Lt. Col. J.H.
Doolittle, Co-Pilot Lt. R.E. Cole, Navigator Lt. H.A. Potter, Bombardier S/Sgt. F.A. Braemer, Engineer/Gunner S/Sgt. P.J.
Airplane #40-2292 Take off at 0825 (8:25am) Ship Time, Pilot Lt. T. Hoover,
Co-Pilot Lt. Wm N. Fitzhugh, Navigator Lt. Carl N. Wildner, Bombardier Lt. Richard E. Miller, Engineer/Gunner S/Sgt. Douglas
V. Radney
Airplane #40-2270 Take off at 0830 (8:30am) Ship Time, Pilot 1st Lt. Robert
Gray, Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. Jacob E. Manch, Navigator 2nd Lt. Charles J. Ozuk, Bombardier Sgt. A.E. Jones, Engineer/Gunner Cpl.
Leland D. Faktor
Airplane #40-2282 Take off at 0833 (8:33am) Ship Time, Pilot 1st Lt. Everett
W. "Brick" Holstrom, Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. Lucian N. Youngblood, Navigator 2nd Lt. Harry C. McCool, Bombardier Sgt. Robert J. Stephens,
Engineer/Gunner Cpl Bert M. Jordan
Airplane #40-2283 Take off at 0837 (8:37am) Ship Time, Pilot Captain David
M. Jones, Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. Rodney R. Wilder, Navigator 2nd Lt. Eugene F. McGurl, Bombardier 2nd Lt. Denver N. Truelove, Engineer/Gunner
Sgt. Joseph W. Manske
Airplane #40-2298 Take off at 0840 (8:40am) Ship Time, Pilot 2nd Lt. Dean
E. Hallmark, Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. Robert J. Meder, Navigator 2nd Lt. Chase J. Neilson, Bombardier Sgt. William J. Dieter, Engineer/Gunner
Cpl Donald E. Fitzmaurice
Airplane #40-2261 Take off at 0843 (8:43am) Ship Time, Pilot 1st Lt. Ted
W. Lawson, Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. Dean Davenport, Navigator 2nd Lt. Charles E. McClure, Bombardier 2nd Lt. Robert S. Clever, Engineer/Gunner
Sgt. David J. Thatcher
Airplane #40-2242 Take off at 0846 (8:46am) Ship Time, Pilot Captain Edward
J. York, Co-Pilot 1st Lt. Robert G. Emmens, Navigator 2nd Lt. Nolan A. Herndon, Bombardier S/Sgt. T.H. Laban, Engineer/Gunner
Sgt. David W. Pohl
Airplane #40-2303 Take off at 0850 (8:50am) Ship Time, Pilot 1st Lt. Harold
F. Watson, Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. James M. Parker, Navigator 2nd Lt. Thomas C. Griffin, Bombardier Sgt/ Wayne M. Bissell, Engineer/Gunner
T/Sgt. Eldred V. Scott
Airplane #40-2250 Take off at 0853 (8:53am) Ship Time, Pilot 1st Lt. Richard
O. Joyce, Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. J. Royden Stork, Navigator 2nd Lt. Horace E. Crouch, Bombardier Sgt. George E. Larkin, Jr., Engineer/Gunner
S/Sgt. Edward W. Horton, Jr.
Airplane #40-2249 Take off at 0856 (8:56am) Ship Time, Pilot Captain Charles
R. Greening, Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. Kenneth E. Reddy, Navigator 2nd Lt. Frank A. Kappeler, Bombardier S/Sgt. William L. Birch, Engineer/Gunner
Sgt. Melvin J. Gardner
Airplane #40-2278 Take off at 0859 (8:59am) Ship Time, Pilot 1st Lt. William
M. Bower, Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. Thadd Blanton, Navigator 2nd Lt. William R. Pound, Bombardier T/Sgt. Waldo J. Bither, Engineer/Gunner
S/Sgt. Omer A. Duquette
Airplane #40-2247 Take off at 0901 (9:01am) Ship Time, Pilot 1st Lt. Edgar
E. McElroy, Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. R.A. Knobloch, Navigator 2nd Lt. C.J. Campbell, Bombardier Sgt. Robert C. Bourgeois, Engineer/Gunner
Sgt. Adam R. Williams
Airplane #40-2297 Take off at 0907 (9:07am) Ship Time, Pilot Major J.A.
Hilger, Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. Jack A. Sims, Navigator 2nd Lt. James H. Macie, Jr., Bombardier S/Sgt. Jacob Eierman, Engineer/Gunner
S/Sgt. Edwin V. Bain
Airplane #40-2267 Take off at 0915 (9:15am) Ship Time, Pilot 1st Lt. Donald
G. Smith, Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. G.P. Williams, Navigator/Bombardier 2nd Lt. Howard A. Sessler, Flight Surgeon 1st Lt. T.R. White,
M.D., Engineer/Gunner Sgt. Edward J. Saylor
Takeoff #16 Airplane #40-2268 Take off at 0919 (9:19am) Ship Time, Pilot
1st Lt. William G. Farrow, Co-Pilot 1st Lt. Robert L. Hite, Navigator 2nd Lt. George Barr, Bombardier Cpl. Jacob DeShazer,
Engineer/Gunner Cpl C. Spatz

