
Executive and Civilian Invaders - Main page
Above shows N500M at General William Mitchell Airfield, Milwaukee Wisc.
on Sept 1st 1976
Above is N500M in 1969
The above photo was supplied by Sandra More via her father Dick "Sarge"
Above, California 1970
Minter Field/Shafter CA April 1989
Above shows Lloyd Hamilton racing N500M round the pylons at Reno
The above two shots are of Lloyd Hamilton's 44-34769 On-Mark Marketeer, flown by Hamilton
when she was N500MR. At that time she was owned by airline pilot George Rivera who later rebuilt her and sold it to Bill Farrell
of ohio.
The above shot was kindly donated by Malcolm Nason.
Serial #: 44-34769 Construction #: 28048 Civil
Registration: N67162 N25S
N500M N29711 N500MR Model(s):
A-26B On Mark Marketeer Name: Gator Invader Status: Airworthy Last info: 2002
History: Delivered to Reconstruction Finance Corp as
44-34769 - Immediately put up for dispossal, 1945-1946. Superior Oil Co Inc, Lafayette, LA, 1950-1954 - Registered
as N67162. Fletcher Oil & Gas - Registered as N500M. H. B. Zachry Co, San Antonio, TX, 1964-1968 George J.
Rivera, Milton, CA, 1969 Priority Air Transport System, Redwood, CA, 1970. Lloyd A. Hamilton, Santa Rosa, CA, 1971-1972 -
Flown as racer #16. John J. Marks, Hales Corner, WI, 1977 - Registered as N29711. George J. Rivera, San Jose, CA,
Dec. 1981-1989. - Registered as N500MR, Mar. 1982. William M. Farrell, Cincinatti, OH, May 1990-1992 - Flew with
camoflage scheme as 434769/K/Gator Invader. Minos Kirakou, Athens, Greece, 1995-2001. Sea Link Aviation Inc, Wilmington,
DE, June 12, 1995-2002. - Delvered to Greece via Keflavik, Sept. 9, 1995. - Minos Kiriakou Collection, Based
at Tanagra AB, Greece. - Flown with camoflage scheme as 434769/K/Gator Invader.
NTSB Identification: FTW66A0003 14 CFR Part
91 General Aviation Event occurred Thursday, July 08, 1965 in SAN ANTONIO, TX Aircraft: DOUGLAS A-26B, registration:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE DATE LOCATION AIRCRAFT DATA INJURIES FLIGHT PILOT DATA F S M/N PURPOSE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-0587 65/7/8 SAN ANTONIO TEX DOUGLAS A-26B CR- 0 0 1 NONCOMMERCIAL ATP,FLIGHT INSTR., AGE TIME - 0800 N500M PX- 0 0 6 CORP/EXEC UNK/NR, 13500 TOTAL DAMAGE-SUBSTANTIAL OT- 0 0 0 HOURS, 700 IN TYPE, INSTRUMENT RATED. NAME OF AIRPORT - SAN ANTONIO INTL TYPE OF ACCIDENT PHASE OF OPERATION GEAR RETRACTED TAXI: TO TAKEOFF PROBABLE CAUSE(S) MISCELLANEOUS - UNDETERMINED
I had a great mail from Neil Vass Neil wrote:
Hi Martin First I must congratulate you on what must be one of the best aircraft sites on the Internet.
I looked at the P61 and Tigercat sites quickly and they are first class as well. I have some 6 x 4 prints of 28048 Gator Invader in the USA , Prestwick and after repaint
in Greece. The prints were given to me by Vasileios Tsimis,who helped ferry the aircraft. We were arranging for them to land
at Farnborough, but I couldn’t get enough engine oil...they asked to have 90 gallons at each aerodrome en route !!
If I remember rightly, they routed Prestwick-Jersey and then on. Pity really. If you are interested , I can email what I have got. Best Regards Neil Vass Mytchett ,Surrey.
Neil continues: Hi
these are ok. The final pair are not so good as they are copies of photographs. If they do not come out very well
I can post the originals to you to copy yourself and if you could just return them when you are finished with them.
I will contact Vasileios and see if he
has any more photos etc from the ferry flight to Greece. Do you know the status of this aeroplane?
Above is a shot of N507WB taken by Lee Bracken, at San Antonio, Airport,
Serial #: 44-35495 Construction #: 28774 Civil
Registration: N2076A N501NN N507WB Model(s): A-26C B-26C
On Mark Marketeer Name: None Status: Unknown Last info: 1977
History: Registered as N2076A Northern Natural Gas,
Denver, CO, 1959-1961. - Registered as N501NN. Williams Brothers Co, Tulsa, OK, 1961. - Registered as N507WB. T.E.
Mercer trucking Co, Fort Worth, TX, 1964. - Emergency landing due to engine fire, San Antonio, TX, Dec. 6, 1965. Tradewinds
Aircraft Supply, San Antonio, TX, 1966-1970. Milt Stollak, Burbank, CA, Nov. 1974-1977
Thought to have been lost during smuggling operations.
NTSB Identification: FTW66A0055 14 CFR Part
91 General Aviation Event occurred Monday, December 06, 1965 in SAN ANTONIO, TX Aircraft: DOUGLAS A-26, registration:
Above, LAS Super 26 - N5052N ( probably at Carl Spaatz Field
- Reading PA - circa mid-1960's ) Source unknown.
Above, 1968
The above shots show N5052N, s/n 44-35994, when the plane was
at Spaatz Field, Reading, Pennsylvania, on 29 September 1968. At that time it was owned by Mesta Machine Co. of Pittsburgh.
The Super 26 utilized just the wings, engines, tail, and landing
gear of the Invader. A new fuselage with a pressurized cabin that was 22 feet long and six feet high was built and this could
carry six-to-nine passengers. Constellation windows and cockpit sections were utilized and the first example, N5052N, flew
in mid-1960. Apparently only one was built and the hulk finally wound up with Air Spray in Canada as a parts source.
The above photograph was taken by Gordon Reid at Alberquerque,
New Mexico in Oct 72, when the aircraft was owned by Westernair
Above, At San Antonio International, USA - Texas Oct 1979
The above shot taken in December 1975, San Antonio, Texas,
was supplied by John L. Dienst, Ohio
The above two shots are from the Mike Ody Collection via George Trussell
The above two shots were sent in by Dave Peel when he was at
Red Deer back in 2005
The above photo shows the interior of the Super 26 ( XB-SIJ ruin
) looking forward from just behind the " Ring Spar ". Note the empty rear wing spar attachment holes in the " Ring " structure,
and the ones on the forward wing spar carry-through structure. It looks like LAS placed the avionics racks below the front
spar to port, with an electrical junction panel centered above. The original cockpit-bombay angled bulkhead has been retained,
with the cockpit access crawl-way visible to the right. The front spar duck-under is more generous than on the On Marks due
to the lowered belly.
Darcy Hankins ( See feature ) who sent in the above four shots wrote: The aircraft
pictured is of "Koba Wiki", unfortunately with this article there are so many Invaders operated by Airspray that I missed
including any info on this A/C which would probably be a story in itself.. what I know of it is that it was the pressurized
LAS that was converted by Lockheed Air Services back in the days of conversions (although I see conflicting info?) Maybe someone
at Airspray who may read this or someone with more info could pass it on too you . It was ferried to Airspray in the mid 80’s
with a cracked rear spar that had been reinforced with a welded steel angle for the trip home, the aircraft incorporates a
fuselage ring spar.. Engines were used on other aircraft and the one good wing went to Tanker 4 after an inflight fire. The
wing with the cracked spar went to a static rebuild in California (Aero Nostalgia??) A very knowledgable individual who passed
through the hangar in the 90’s had told me he new of the airplane well and the fibreglass nose had underwent extensive
wind tunnel testing to lead to the best design. Unfortunately with the hangar fire Koba Wiki was parked with the nose closest
to the hangar and whateve the story was, died with it melting to the ground (as seen in your picture..noseless).. As of today
the aircraft has been heavily canibilized but at least gives you an idea of its shape and design. I’ve inlcluded pics
I took aprox 2000 beside the hangar. It would be great if someone could help with some history on this A/C.
Serial #: 44-35999 Construction #: 29278 Civil
Registration: N5052, N52NM, XB-SIJ, CG-QPZ Model(s):
B-26C LAS Super26 Name: None Status: Destroyed at Red Deer in hangar fire Last info:
History: Sold
to Mexico as 1302. To civil registry as N5052N, converted to
Lockheed Air Services Super 26, Upgraded to an early Lockheed Air Service variant by owners Mesta Machine Co. of Pittsburgh
in 1954
- later to N52NM, XB-SIJ, then to Air Spray (67) Ltd of Red Deer,
Alberta, Canada as C-GQPZ. It had been a parts source, but was also damaged in the Oct 16, 200 hangar fire.
The serial number for this plane must be wrong, since this batch did not exist. The serial number 44-35999 and the c/n are
based on the assumption that 1302 is the fuselage number. (JBAUGHER) |
Above, "5510" fresh out of the factory, prior to painting.
Above, Whiteman Air Park, c1960
Serial #: 41-39262 Construction #: Civil
Registration: N5510V,
PI-C877 Philippines Model(s):
A-26C Rhodes Berry Silver 60 Name: None Status: Unknown Last info: Crashed and destoyed 29th
March 65, possibly running the philippenes registration
History: Rhodes Berry Co, Los Angeles CA.
Silver Sixty 1960, Conversion of Douglas B-26B. Two 2000hp P&W R-2800-79
Span: 70'0"
Length: 51'3"
Load: 14,500# v: 405/325/95
Range: 1200
Prototype: 6/25/60 [N5510V].
The plane was uniquely fitted with a rear opening cargo ramp
Possibly the ugliest of all Invader conversions, the Rhodes Berry Silver 60 was built at Whiteman Airpark
in the San Fernando Valley of southern California during the late 1950s. The fuselage was completely re-designed resulting
in a swollen unit that could accommodate up to 16 passengers. Because of the deeper fuselage, the nose gear could now retract
straight back without first swiveling as on stock Invaders. The first and probably the only Silver 60 flew on 25 June 1960.
It is thought another example was built but information relating to this aircraft cannot be found. |
Marketeer N5530V on north ramp at On Mark (looking NNW). Note the original
Van Nuys control tower and the C-97 from the 146TH Air Transport Wing.
Serial #: 44-35708 Construction #: 28987 Civil Registration: N5530V
See N26PJ Model(s): A-26C B-26C On Mark Marketeer Name:
None Status: Airworthy Last info: 2002
History: Delivered to French AF as 44-35708. - BOC:
Apr. 18, 1954. - Based in Indochina. - Returned to USAF, Nov. 10, 1955. - Open storage, Clark AFB, Philipines, 1955-1958. On
Mark Engineering Co, Van Nuys, CA, 1963-1966. ( Referred
to as the “ Blue Bird “ at On Mark ) - Registered as N5530V. Raytheon Manufacturing
Co, Bedford, MA, 1969-1976. Air Spray Ltd, Red Deer, Alberta, Dec. 1976-2002. - Registered as C-GXGY. - Flown
as tanker #10.
Refurbished and now at Hillsboro as N26PJ ( since 2008 ). |
History of A-26C 44-35708
The Classic Aircraft Aviation Museum’s
A-26C (44-35708) was completed at the Tulsa, OK manufacturing facility on May 25, 1945 and flown
to a staging area in Salinas, CA in August
of that same year. With the end of WWII occurring just one month later in September of 1945, 44-35708
would spend the next two years in storage at various AAF
bases in Mississippi, New Mexico and
California until being assigned to the 114th Bombardment (Light) Squadron, (Air National Guard) at
Mitchell Field, New York in April of 1948. In August
of 1950, the A-26C # 44-35708 was flown to Floyd Bennett Field, NY and was
assigned to the 106th Composite Group (ANG). In March of 1951 she was moved to March Field, CA as part of the 106th
Bombardment (Light) Wing of the Strategic Air Command. Two months later the A-26C was moved to
the Warner Robins Air Material Area at Robins AFB, GA and
in January of 1952 it was moved to the Sacramento Air Material Area at McClellan AFB, CA. In March of 1952 the A-C26C was dropped from the US inventory by
transfer to the Military Assistance Plan. On
April 18, 1952 she arrived at Tan Son Nhut where it was assigned to the 1/25 Tunisie Bombing Group of
the French Air Force. This bombing group participated
in the battle of Dien Bien Phu so it
is likely that this aircraft saw combat at this time. She served with the French Air Force in Indochina
until November of 1955 and was then returned to the USAF.
The next three years, 1955-1958 were spent in open storage at Clark AFB, Philippines. In 1963, the A-C26C was acquired by On Mark Engineering Co. Of Van Nuys, CA
and was converted into a civilian transport known as the On Mark “Marketeer” and gained the civilian registration N5530V. This aircraft
was purchased by the Raytheon Missile Division in 1969 and used as an executive transport until October 25th,
1976 when it was sold to Air Spray Ltd. of Alberta
Canada for $25,000. Air Spray re-registered
the aircraft as C-GXGY and designated it Tanker 10. The plane was converted into a fire bomber by
Aero Union and it flew fire suppression missions in Canada and
the U.S. from 1976 until being retired from service in 2004. This was the last year Air Spray
operated A-26’s and the entire fleet of some 14
aircraft was put into outdoor storage at their base of operations in Red Deer, Alberta and put up for sale.
In May of
2006 representatives of the Classic Aircraft Aviation Museum
traveled to Red Deer, Alberta to inspect the A-26 fleet and came away with an agreement
to purchase Tanker 10 and Tanker 4.
Tanker 10 was subsequently flown to the museum in Hillsboro, Oregon early in October 2006 where
a thorough inspection was conducted. The aircraft was re-registered as N26PJ
and on February 6, 2008 it was granted an airworthiness certificate in the experimental exhibition category. In
2010 N26PJ was repainted in the colors used by the Oregon Air National Guard when they used A-26’s
as target tow aircraft following WWII (1946 –
1950). During this paint job, the aircraft was converted from an A-26B to an A-26C by replacing the gun nose with the glass nose used by ‘C’ models. In 2011
the plane was repainted again and converted back to a “B” model. Current Museum plans include maintaining
the aircraft in an airworthy condition and making it available for both flying and static display at air shows.
Serial #: 44-35759 Construction #: 29038 Civil
Registration: N5588A Model(s): A-26C JTB-26C Name: None Status:
Derelict Last info: 1971
History: R.A. Firestone, Teterboro, NJ. - Registered
as N5588A. William C. Powell, Dallas, TX, 1963. Appliance Buyers Credit Corp, St. Joseph, MI, 1964. Reported derelict,
Miami, FL, 1968-1971. |
Serial #: 41-39303 Construction #: 7016 Civil
Registration: N5589A Model(s): A-26B B-26C Name: City Of Santa
Rosa Status: Restoration Last info: 2002
History: W.C. Powell, Tereboro, NJ, 1958. - Registered
as N5589A. Charles Woods Homes Inc, Dothan, AL, 1964-1966. Alabama Institute Of Aviation Tech, Ozark, AL, 1969. Paramount
Inc, Atlanta, GA, 1970. John M. Sliker, Wadley, GA, 1970-1972. John J. Stokes/Central Texas Aviation, San Marcos, TX,
1977. - Dismantled. Lynch Air Tankers, Billings, MT, 1978-1992. - Stored dismantled. Pacific Coast Air Museum,
Santa Rosa, CA, 1993-2002. - Trucked from Billings to Santa Rosa, 1992. - Undergoing restoration. - To be displayed
as 44-34324/"City Of Santa Rosa". |
The above shot was very kindly donated by George Trussell and shows N5636V
at Honolulu in July '59
Serial #: 44-35596 Construction #: 28875 Civil
Registration: N5636V Model(s): A-26C RB-26C Name: None Status:
Display Last info: 2002
History: Hawaii Public Trade & Instructional School,
Honolulu International Airport, Honolulu, HI, 1966-1979. - Original nose art "Sweat 'er Out" visible. USAFM,
Hickam AFB, HI, 1982-2002. - Displayed as BC-596. |
Uplands Airport. Ottawa. Winter 1969
The above shot of N60Y was taken at Teterboro, NJ in Oct 63
Serial #: 44-35681 Construction #: 28960 Civil
Registration: N60Y N160Y N168Y CF-VPR Model(s): A-26C
B-26C On Mark Marketeer Name: None Status: Unknown Last info: 1970
History: Mechanical Products Inc, Jackson, MI, 1954. -
Registered as N60Y. Phillips Petroleum, Bartlesville, OK. Amerada Petroleum Corp, Tulsa, OK, 1964-66. - Registered
as N160Y. - Registered as N168Y, 1966. Survair Ltd, Ottawa, Ontario, 1967-1970. - Registered as CF-VPR. |
Relating to the above photo:
Peter Dance directed me to your website of A-26 and B-26 conversions.
My father worked for Dean Foods (back then, Dean Milk) which
owned and operated N600D from 1966 to 1972 before selling it to a collector in Taylorville, IL who eventually sold the airplane
to Airspray (as you have documented on your pages.
Attached is a photo of N600D on the tarmac in Nassau Bahamas
in I believe 1967. This photo was taken by my father Ken Douglas. I'll look through some of the old photo books
to see what other images I can dig up of the plane.
Andy Douglas
Serial #: 44-34738 Construction #: 28017 Civil
Registration: N9861C N600D N808D C-GWLU Model(s): A-26B-DL
B-26B On Mark Marketeer Name: Old Yella Status: Destroyed Last info: 2000
History: Registered as N9861C Sam Dean/Dean Foods,
Franklin Park, IL, 1958-1966. - Registered as N600D. - Rebuilt to airworthy, fitted with OnMark nose. Dean Milk Co,
Franklin Park, IL, 1966-1972. - Reregistered as N808D. Air
Spray Ltd, Red Deer, Alberta, May 1975-2000. - Registered
as C-GWLU. - Flew as tanker #8, "Old Yella". - Destroyed in hanger file, Oct. 16, 2000.
Above, Courtesy of Bill Bailey
Above, when she was in USAAF colors, in June 1984
Serial #: 44-35617 Construction #: 28896 Civil
Registration: N7660C N600WB Model(s): A-26C RB-26C On Mark
Marketeer Name: The Devils Own Grim Reaper Status: Displayed Last info: 2002
History: Delivered to USAAF as 44-35617. - BOC: May
15, 1945. - SOC: January 1958 - Assigned to 140th Base Unit, Moody Field, GA, May 1945. - Transferred to 4160th Base
Unit, Hobbs Field, NM, Jan. 1946. - Transferred to 4135th Base Unit, Hill Field, UT, July 1947. - Transferred to Ogden
Air Material Area, Hill AFB, Jan. 1951. - Transferred to 117th Reconnaissance Technical Wing (Tactical Air Command), Lawson
AFB, GA, Nov. 1951. -- Modified to RB-26C configuration, June 1952. - Transferred to 10th Reconnaissance Technical Wing
(USAFE), Toul-Rosiere AB, France, July 1952. - Transferred to 85th Air Defence Wing (USAFE), Erding AB, Germany, June 1953. -
Transferred to 10th Reconnaissance Technical Wing (USAFE), Spangdahlem AB, Germany, July 1952. - Transferred to 737th Maintenance
Group (USAFE), Chateauroux AB, France, March 1954. - Transferred to 10th Reconnaissance Technical Wing (USAFE), Spangdahlem
AB, Germany, April 1954. - Transferred to 184th Technical Reconnaissance Squadron (Arkansas ANG), Ft. Smith, AR, 1955. -
Transferred to 154th Technical Reconnaissance Squadron (Arkansas ANG), Adams Field, Little Rock, AR, 1956. - Retired to
MASDC, Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ, 1957. Unknown Owner, 19??. -
Registered as N7660C. Ridge Associates Inc, Flint, MI, 1961-1963. - Registered as N600WB. Mid America Air Transport,
Chicago, IL, 1966. Red Dodge Aviation Inc, Anchorage, AK, 1969-1972. John Steinmetz, Griffin, GA, 1977. Oklahoma
Aircraft Corp, Yukon, OK, July 6, 1982-1987. - Impounded at Travis AFB, after siezure drug smuggling, US Customs, Mark
17, 1983. - Returned to USAF control by a federal judge, 1984. USAFM, Travis AFB, CA, 1987-1991. Hill
Aerospace Museum, Hill AFB, UT, 1992-2002. - Displayed as 435617/BC-617/N/The Devils Own Grim Reaper. - Fitted
with 8-gun nose.
Full history of aircraft
This A-26B, S/N 44-35617 "Grim Reaper," was originally manufactured
by Douglas Aircraft Corporation in May 1945 as a "C" model (with a glass bombardier nose). The USAAF accepted delivery on
the aircraft on May 15, 1945. Later that month it was assigned to the 140th Base Unit at Moody Field, Georgia. In January
1946 it was assigned to the 4160th Base Unit, Hobbs Field, New Mexico, and then in July 1947 came to the 4135th Base Unit
here at Hill Field. The newly-created United States Air Force redesignated this aircraft as a B-26C in January 1948.
January 1951 the airplane was moved to the control of the Ogden Air Material Area, still at Hill AFB, but in November 1951
it was transferred to the 117th Reconnaissance Technical Wing (Tactical Air Command) at Lawson AFB, Georgia. That organization
moved to Paris in February 1952 and then the following month relocated to Wiesbaden AB, Germany.
The aircraft
accompanied the unit in its travels and was modified to RB-26C configuration in June 1952. The next month it went to the 10th
Reconnaissance Technical Wing (USAF Europe) at Toul-Rosiere AB, France. While serving with this organization the plane periodically
was assigned to Furstenfieldbruck AB, Neubiberg AB, and Erding AB, Germany. In June 1953 it was transitioned to the 85th Air
Defence Wing (USAFE) at Erding AB, Germany, but in July went back to the 10th Reconnaissance Technical Wing (USAFE) at Spangdahlem
AB, Germany. March of 1954 saw the plane move to the 737th Maintenance Group (USAFE) at Chateauroux AB, France. The next month
it went back to the 10th RTW at Spangdahlem.
In the fall of 1955 the aircraft was sent to Manchester, England, for
contract maintenance and then was transferred to the 184th Technical Reconnaissance Squadron (Air National Guard) at Ft. Smith,
Arkansas. One year later it went to the 154th Technical Reconnaissance Squadron (ANG) at Adams Field in Little Rock, Arkansas.
In the summer of 1957 the aging aircraft was sent to Davis-Monthan AFB in Arizona for long-term storage and then in January
1958 was dropped from the USAF inventory. Later it was sold to Oklahoma Aircraft Corporation, where it was converted into
a light transport for civilian use.
On March 17, 1983 the plane was seized by United States Marshalls in a drug raid
in California, carrying a heavy load of marijuana. The Air Force flew the aircraft to Travis AFB, California, where it was
placed in temporary storage. On January 3, 1984 a federal judge returned the plane to USAF control, but it remained at Travis
for several years. Air Force personnel there repainted the aircraft in original USAF markings and placed it on static display.
In August 1990 the plane was disassembled and brought by truck to Hill AFB for restoration and display at Hill Aerospace Museum.
The old plane had returned "home" to Hill Field.
In January 1991, museum volunteer Roy Marquardt began working with
members of the 2849th Combat Logistics Support Squadron from Hill to reassemble and bring this beautiful aircraft back to
full military configuration. Since the parts were not available to restore it as an original "C" model, with glazed bombardier
nose, it was decided to use the pieces available and rebuild it as a "B" model instead, with a "six-gun" nose. (An "eight-gun"
nose was also available, but was in terrible condition due to heavy corrosion.)
Several problems were immediately
identified that would have to be overcome to properly restore the aircraft back to its military configuration. Certain parts
were missing from the plane, including the wingtips. The civilian version of the plane had been configured with wingtip fuel
tanks, but those had been removed sometime in the past and no wingtips were present at all. New wingtips would have to be
fabricated if none could be located.
The plane also had several windows in the fuselage that had been added for
the civilian/passenger version. To revert to military configuration these would have to be removed and new skin panels fabricated.
Interior lighting and wiring would have to be removed as well. The aircraft also had the wrong type of propellers for either
a "B" or "C" model. It had arrived with the paddle-blade type found on the "K" model. The proper slender "pointed" type props
would have to be obtained for the "B" version's engines.
Also, the openings in the fuselage for the upper and
lower gun turrets were sealed and would have to be reopened to accommodate the rebuilt turrets. The crew access ladder was
also missing and its fuselage panel sealed. A new ladder would have to be made, or found, and the access panel reopened. Finally,
no machine guns were aboard, of course, so at least cooling jackets would have to be installed in the various gun emplacements
to bring back the warbird's "sting."
Restoration work progressed throughout 1991, 1992, and 1993. The wings were hoisted
into place, the rudder and elevators attached, and the landing gear bolted on and locked in the down position. The engines
were mounted and detailed, cowlings attached, and the gun nose bolted on and made ready to receive gun barrels. The cockpit,
which over the years had been converted to dual controls, was reworked back to its proper single-pilot arrangement. (The A-26
was originally manned by a pilot, a navigator/bombardier/loader, and a turret gunner. Sometimes a flight engineer would
accompany the standard crew.)
The proper wingtips were finally located and purchased from an aircraft parts dealer
in Arizona by a member of the Air Force Heritage Foundation of Utah. New tires were installed and machine gun barrels and
cooling jackets were put in all gun positions. The proper propellers were discovered at the Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base, Ohio, who was restoring a "K" model B-26 at the time and happened to need the exact ones at Hill, so a trade
was arranged. Also, all required skin panels were reworked, including the fabric skins of the control surfaces, which were
replaced with aluminum to prevent future deterioration.
Finally in 1994 the aircraft was towed to the aircraft paint
shop on base to await its turn in line for a new finish. The aircraft was painted in the jet black and red scheme of the 13th
Bombardment Squadron (Light), "the "Devil's Own Grim Reapers." The 8th, 13th, and 90th Bomb Squadrons comprised the famous
3rd Bombardment Group of the 5th Air Force, which served with distinction in the Pacific Theatre of operations in World War
II and later flew missions out of Japan and Kunsan, Korea, during the Korean War.
The 13th Bomb Squadron was
originally organized for service in World War I as the 13th Aero Squadron and its skeleton emblem was officially approved
by the War Department in 1924. Roy Marquardt, who spearheaded the restoration efforts on this aircraft, was a B-26 crew chief
with the "Grim Reapers" in Japan during the Korean War.
The freshly refinished aircraft was towed back to the museum
in March 1995 and placed in its final resting place for long-term display. Further work on the airframe will include installation
of wing-mounted bomb racks and bombs, the crew access ladder, and the upper window fairings on the fuselage aft of the dorsal
gun turret. The "Grim Reaper" stands today as a tribute to USAF A-26 flight and maintenance crews who served in two wars,
and to the men and women of Hill Field who supported the aircraft for so many years.
Above, the aircraft photographed by Mike Shakocius at Van Nuys in April 1965 prior to its red and
white paint job at On Mark
"6101" at the Galveston Airshow in 1970/1971
Galveston 1970
Serial #: 44-34624 Construction #: 27903 Civil
Registration: N6101C Model(s): A-26B B-26B Name: None Status:
Unknown Last info: 1977
History: Farah Manufacturing Co, El Paso, TX, 1963-1964. -
Registered as N6101C. Rogers Brothers, Beaumont, TX, 1966-1969. Texas State Optical Corp, 1969. Confederate Air
Force, Harlingen, TX, Jan. 1970-1977. - Flew as USAF/RG-A.
Reported damaged by fire during taxiing and later stored and used for spares, circa 1981-1982. |
Richard E. Fulwiler wrote:
"I was reviewing your site, and may have discovered another Marketeer,
N6101C !
I checked Joe Baugher’s site and he just shows civil registry
to N6101C.
Studying your photo series I see : Marketeer style side cabin windows in the side view shot;
Conical tapered fiberglass radar nose extension similar to the
one seen on Marketeer N5530V ( your “ 103” nose and early ray-dome style comparison photos ):
Right side nose on photo shows a under-wing window barely discernable
against the bright mid-section aluminum finish;
Left side nose on photo ( very small photo ) at the Galveston
air show shows the On Mark style starboard Airstair down ( at 400% zoom it gets really grainy but the door is noticeable to
me ). In the other photo with the crowd all around, the Airstair is up."
What do you think ?
The above shot shows N666 at St Louis in Phillips Petroleum Co. colours
Serial #: 44-34754 Construction #: Civil
Registration: N66662, N666
Model(s): A-26B B-26B
On Mark Marketeer
History: Phillips Petroleum
by Dan Shepherd: N666 crashed on approach to Findlay Ohio on10 Dec1963 and was totally destroyed.
The accident killed all on board. Airframe icing was thought to be the cause.
SN# 44-34754
or 28033. Registration Cancelled on 8/12/64.

