Douglas A/B-26 Invader


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MILITARY VARIANTS - History, Data & Photos
CIVIL VARIANTS - History, Data & Photos
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Info Req'd

This section is not just information relating to the A-26 Invader, but a compilation of all things I find important about aviation, including people, places and events, although I have tried not to stray from the topic of vintage and veteran aviation.
I have split these subjects into sections for ease of navigation.
The large majority of data supplied within the various features, are from contributions, sent in by people who have visited this site and feel they have an interesting and valid input to make, be it regarding the A-26 Invader or some other aspect of aviation.
"To all those people, who have not only "e mailed" me data to create "their" feature, but to enthusiasts who have physically sent CD's and documents by post and courier at great expense, from as far away as the USA, Thailand and Australia, I thank you all for making this site what it is today". 
I have tried my best to apply accreditation to photographers who have donated photographs for this site, however if I have failed to credit any one's property on this site then please contact me on and I will apply credit immediately.
Thank you

Site adviser - On Mark Engineering and civil variants

New and on going feature
Peter Hambling, owner and operator of On Mark Marketeer NL7079G will keep us up to date with her progess.

"Sexy Sue" - Owner and operators, Peter and Lorrie Hambling

Section One
A-26 Specific

This section contains information relating to a particular A/B-26 Invader airframe.


Bad day at Biggin

A sting in her tail - Kevin Hawley

"931" A Cuban exile

Scandinavian Sugarbabe

The Parker '26 - Geoff Parker

My Mary Lou - Glenn Chatfield

#76 Fast and furious - John Lear

Ivan and the Invader - Bill Baldwin

Spirit of "North Carolina" - Robert Lindley, Spirit historian

NNNNineteen - David Lane, former owner and operator

Reida Rae - Carl Sgamboti Reida Rae project crew chief

N7705C "In and out of uniform" - Bill Baldwin, Ex-Owner

"Sexy Sue" - Owner and operators, Peter and Lorrie Hambling

Ex Air Spray #13 walk round - Dennis Deagle, Edmonton, Alberta


Section Two
A-26 Related

This section contains non specific data on the A/B-26 Invader but relative to a situation or event that involves the type in some way.

The Bay of Pigs

"Any Time Any Place"

The A-26 and Air racing

The Lynch STOL 26 configuration

Biafran Invaders - Michael Robson, Historian

On Mark - A pictorial feast by Richard E. Fulwiler

452nd Bomb Wing (L) - Contributions by John Darby

The development of the Rock Island Oil & Refining Co. Monarch 26 - Robert Lindley

Drug buster - Mike Wewers

The making of the film "Always"

Kermit Weeks Invader

So you want to buy an Invader

Legacy - Brothers in arms

Restoring Whistler's Mother


Section Three
Authors other sites - In and out of uniform 

This section contains four smaller web sites and follows the same format as this site.

Section Four
Guest Contributions

This section contains the private collections, donations and thoughts of the following people.

The Dave N collection

The Bill Todd collection

The Paul Cicci collection

The Al Cavalli collection

The John Darby collection

The Bill Baldwin collection

The Larry Green collection

The Alain Seguy collection

The Chris Keltie collection

The Steve Aaron collection

The Steve Dodge collection

The Paul Cooper collection

The Dick Phillips collection

The Ted Schwarz collection

The Dan Jackson collection

The Nick Decker collection

The Sandra More collection

The Mike Wewers collection

The Fred Besnard collection

The Lorence Fizia collection

The Kevin Hawley collection

The Peter Garraty collection

The Max Hawkins collection

The Patrick Crotty collection

The John Skillman collection

The Mark Nankivil collection

The Robert Lindley collection

The Mike Shakocius collection

The John Whitehead collection

The Steven A Marcus collection

The Graham Robson collection

The Al 'Batman' Shortt collection

The Paul van der Horst collection

The Richard E. Fulwiler collection

The Michael J.Dobrzelecki collection

Darcy Hankins - Ex Air Spray engineer

The Dirk Jory, Air tanker pilot collection

The Linc Alexander, air tanker pilot collection

The Jochen Thorn collection - JU Air - Flugplatz

The Staff Sergeant Robert O'Connell (retired) collection


Professional aviation  feature

"Hands off" or "Hands on" - Can the Auto-pilot replace real pilot experience

An observation
Gareth V. Hynes

Aviation Bronze art, sculpture and Literature

Gregory Percival - Aviation artist

A member of the guild of aviation artists and a co author of the below published books

Westhampnett at war

In support of the few - A fascintining book about Spitfire engineer Joe Roddis

A Fighter Command Station At War

Mark Hillier - Aviation historian and Author
