Douglas A/B-26 Invader

Site Navigation

Site Navigation
Reg'n cross ref.
S/No's & Prod'n codes
MILITARY VARIANTS - History, Data & Photos
CIVIL VARIANTS - History, Data & Photos
About the author/Contact
Info Req'd

How to use this site
I have created this page for ease of access to the different links within each section on the navigation bar above.
The main navigation criteria, is the division of the site into two main areas:
This allows searching through the site easier, depending on what type of operations relate to the A-26 you are looking for and what operations the aircraft undertook at a particular time in its life.
I have moved all technical data to the two links below, which can also be found on the main navigation bar at the side of the page.
A large majority of the photos come in Hi Resolution and make look too big when opened straight from the site.
To down load the photographs for a better resolution, right click and "save picture as" and when you open them up from your PC, they will appear as normal sized shots on your screen.

Blue title box
Denotes Civil/Executive/Air tanker or any topic relating non military A/B-26 Invaders and is the basis for this site.

Green title box
Denotes military only topics relating to the A/B-26 Invader

Grey title box
Denotes a cross-over data between Civil and Military A/B-26 Invaders

Site Navigation


HOME - Main index

HOME - Sub index

A/B-26 Invader - Technical / Reference Sub Index

  • Cockpits/Cabins
  • Crew
  • Nose Art
  • Tail codes
  • Drawings
  • Pilots notes/Manuls

A/B-26 Invader - Historic Sub Index

  • Incidents
  • Museums and Airframe locator
  • Multimedia
  • Interesting facts
  • FAA registrations

General referencing

  • Credits
  • References
  • Disclaimer

Charities / Donations

My personal Illustrations

Features - Non Specific

  • Hans Dieter Sinanan - Warbird display pilot and flight Instructor
  • RAF Lancaster pilot, F/Lt Bill North 61 Squadron
  • Lt. Col. Leroy Charles Meyers - B-26 Marauder, "Crime Doctor"
  • Experience of flying the B-26 Marauder

Authors preface


Site adviser - On Mark Engineering: Richard E. Fulwiler

New and on going feature - N7079G, "Sexy Sue" wing spar repair - August 2013

Section one - A-26 Specific

Section two - A-26 related

Section Three - In and out of umiform

Section four - Guest Contributions
The Dave N collection
The Bill Todd collection
The Paul Cicci collection
The Al Cavalli collection
The John Darby collection
The Bill Baldwin collection
The Larry Green collection
The Alain Seguy collection
The Matt Bryden collection
The Chris Keltie collection
The Steve Aaron collection
The Steve Dodge collection
The Paul Cooper collection
The Dick Phillips collection
The Ted Schwarz collection
The Dan Jackson collection
The Nick Decker collection
The Sandra More collection

The Mike Wewers collection
The Fred Besnard collection
The Lorence Fizia collection
The Kevin Hawley collection
The Peter Garraty collection
The Max Hawkins collection
The Patrick Crotty collection
The John Skillman collection
The Mark Nankivil collection
The Robert Lindley collection
The Mike Shakocius collection
The Eric Van Gilder collection

The John Whitehead collection
The Steven A Marcus collection
The Graham Robson collection
The Al 'Batman' Shortt collection
The Paul van der Horst collection
The Richard E. Fulwiler collection
The Michael J.Dobrzelecki collection
The Hilsen Petter E Jensen collection

Darcy Hankins - Ex Air Spray engineer
The Dirk Jory, Air tanker pilot collection
The Linc Alexander, air tanker pilot collection
The Jochen Thorn collection - JU Air - Flugplatz
The Staff Sergeant Robert O'Connell (retired) collection

Professional aviation  feature - "Hands off" or "Hands on" - Can the Auto-pilot replace real pilot experience, An observation By Gareth V. Hynes

Aviation Bronze art, sculpture and Literature

Site navigation

Registration cross reference

Serial No's and Production codes

Military variants - Data

Associated reading

Civil variants - Data

Associated reading

About the Author

Info required