452nd Bomb Wing - Photos
I had a great mail from John Darby who was asigned to the 452nd
in Korea.
John was king enough to send in some shots of the girls he used
to work on, on his time out there.
John wrote:
"This is a fantastic website. I was with the 452nd Bomb Wing
in the Korean War and I see alot of "Old Ladies" worked on. Some are very dear to me. I was glad to see so many survived.
I have some you don't have in your "nose art" section"

B-26's of the 452nd Bomb Wing (L) |
Serial Number |
Squadron |
Aircraft Name |
Remarks |
44-34109 |
729th |
Brought from FEAF. Crash-landed in the spring of 1951. |
44-34252 |
Unknown |
44-34260 |
729th |
Crash-landed in the spring of 1951. |
44-34303 |
729th |
Sad Saki II |
Brought from FEAF. Crash-landed on March 24, 1951. |
44-34313 |
730th |
Junio |
Hit by ground fire on December 27, 1951. |
44-34324 |
729th |
City of Santa Rosa |
44-34328 |
729th |
44-34329 |
730th |
44-34331 |
730th |
44-34334 |
729th |
Lizzie II |
44-34337 |
728th |
44-34344 |
728th |
Sterile Carol |
44-34345 |
728th |
Needith Edith II |
Transferred to 17th BW. Lost on February 4, 1953. |
44-34349 |
729th |
Crashed into mountain on October 1, 1951. |
44-34350 |
728th/729th |
Hit by AAA on July 21, 1951. |
44-34352 |
730th |
44-34353 |
729th |
Hit by ground fire and crash-landed on June 26, 1951. |
44-34362 |
728th |
Crashed into bridge on August 5, 1951. |
44-34363 |
728th/729th |
44-34365 |
729th |
Crashed on take-off on September 25, 1951. |
44-34366 |
729th |
Hit by AAA on February 15, 1951. |
44-34417 |
730th |
Lost on March 22, 1952. |
44-34427 |
729th |
Damaged by MIG on April 9, 1951. |
44-34457 |
Unknown |
44-34463 |
729th |
44-34466 |
729th |
Damaged on February 10, 1951. |
44-34487 |
730th |
44-34490 |
728th |
44-34492 |
730th |
44-34493 |
728th |
Yer'Ol Dad III |
44-34496 |
730th |
44-34499 |
729th |
Crash-landed in the spring of 1951. |
44-34511 |
728th |
Yer'Ol Dad II |
44-34517 |
728th |
Monie |
Used in 17th BW as SHORAN aircraft. |
44-34520 |
728th |
Margie |
44-34526 |
730th |
44-34532 |
729th/730th |
Question Mark |
Aborted take-off and destroyed in the summer of 1951. |
44-34533 |
729th |
Crash-landed on May 3, 1951. |
44-34534 |
729th |
Transferred to 17th BW. Lost on December 10, 1952. |
44-34539 |
730th |
44-34543 |
729th |
Crash-landed in North Korea on March 24, 1951. |
44-34544 |
728th |
Lost on April 24, 1951. |
44-34547 |
729th |
Gene's Machine / I Have Returned |
Lost on September 29, 1951. |
44-34552 |
730th |
Brown Nose |
44-34553 |
728th |
Hollywood Hangover |
44-34560 |
730th |
Lost on July 19, 1951. |
44-34562 |
728th |
At Ease / Chili Lilli |
Lost on February 28, 1952. |
44-34563 |
729th |
Old's 88 |
Lost on May 7, 1951. |
44-34569 |
728th |
44-34570 |
729th |
Transferred to 17th BW. Lost on February 23, 1953. |
44-34571 |
729th |
Daddy's Girl / KTTV Channel 11 |
Modified to RB-26 and transferred to 162nd TRS. |
44-34572 |
729th |
Scotch & Soda II |
Crash-landed on March 8, 1951. |
44-34573 |
729th |
Captain Mac |
44-34574 |
729th |
Hit by AAA on November 25, 1950. Transferred to FEAMCOM for final
disposition. |
44-34580 |
728th |
Lost on August 26, 1951. |
44-34581 |
728th |
44-34582 |
728th |
Miss Nancy Jo |
Transferred to 3rd BW. Lost on December 9, 1952. |
44-34587 |
730th |
Hit by ground fire on July 27, 1951. |
44-34594 |
728th |
Salvaged on May 13, 1952. |
44-34623 |
728th |
Transferred to 3rd BW. Lost on June 23, 1952. |
44-34630 |
729th |
Skippy |
Crashed on landing on May 15, 1951. |
44-34653 |
730th |
44-34655 |
729th |
Apple Valley Boomarang |
Transferred to 3rd BW. Crashed on June 8, 1952. |
44-34656 |
728th |
Hell's Belle |
Damaged by ground fire on July 21, 1951. |
44-34666 |
730th |
Lost on November 25, 1951. |
44-34678 |
729th |
Pasadena Pistol Packer |
Lost on on February 26, 1951. |
44-34683 |
730th |
Myakinazz |
44-34686 |
729th |
44-34693 |
Unknown |
44-34698 |
730th |
"Miss Used" |
Transferred to 3rd BW. Lost on August 8, 1952. |
44-34703 |
728th |
Yer'Ol Dad |
Lost on July 1, 1951. |
44-34705 |
729th |
Sad Saki |
Lost on December 29, 1950. |
44-34706 |
730th |
Lost on on April 22, 1951. |
44-34707 |
730th |
Transferred to 3rd BW. Lost on March 25, 1951. |
44-34713 |
730th |
The Black Bitch |
44-34727 |
729th |
Crashed on take-off on December 18, 1950. |
44-34745 |
730th |
44-34750 |
729th |
Lost on September 17, 1951. |
44-35420 |
Unknown |
44-35713 |
730th |
44-35745 |
729th |
Crashed on September 03, 1951. |
44-35767 |
728th |
Nev'a Hoppen |
44-35783 |
729th |
Miss Sandy |
Lost on April 21, 1951. |
44-35821 |
729th |
44-35825 |
730th |
44-35836 |
729th |
44-35874 |
730th |
Lost on December 2, 1950. |
44-35884 |
730th |
Transferred to 3rd BW. Lost on June 11, 1952. |
44-35906 |
730th |
44-35909 |
728th |
Cherry Crew |
44-35915 |
729th |
Pop Gun Pete |
Lost on February 21, 1951. |
44-35916 |
729th |
Scrapped in April 1951. |
44-35917 |
729th |
Destroyed in a fire on February 12, 1951. |
44-35922 |
728th |
Crashed into sea on December 20, 1950. |
44-35925 |
729th |
Transferred to 3rd BW. Lost on July 25, 1952. |
Combat Losses & Accidents |
Date of Loss |
Serial Number |
Name of Aircraft |
Squadron |
November 25, 1950 |
44-34574 |
729th |
December 2, 1950 |
44-35874 |
730th |
December 29, 1950 |
44-34705 |
Sad Saki |
729th |
January 23, 1951 |
44-35783 |
Miss Sandy |
729th |
February 10, 1951 |
44-34466 |
729th |
February 15, 1951 |
44-34366 |
729th |
February 16, 1951 |
Unknown |
730th |
February 17, 1951 |
Unknown |
730th |
February 21, 1951 |
44-35915 |
Pop Gun Pete |
729th |
February 26, 1951 |
44-34678 |
Pasadena Pistol Packer |
729th |
March 8, 1951 |
44-34572 |
Scotch & Soda II |
729th |
March 24, 1951 |
Unknown |
730th |
March 24, 1951 |
44-34543 |
729th |
March 24, 1951 |
44-34303 |
Sad Saki II |
729th |
March 24, 1951 |
44-34703 |
Yer'ol Dad |
728th |
April 9, 1951 |
44-34547 |
Gene's Machine |
729th |
April 21, 1951 |
44-35783 |
Miss Sandy |
729th |
April 22, 1951 |
44-34706 |
730th |
April 24, 1951 |
44-34544 |
728th |
May 3, 1951 |
44-34533 |
729th |
May 7, 1951 |
44-34563 |
Old's 88 |
729th |
Spring 1951 |
44-34499 |
729th |
Spring 1951 |
44-34109 |
729th |
Spring 1951 |
44-34260 |
729th |
Spring 1951 |
44-34916 |
729th |
June 26, 1951 |
44-34353 |
729th |
July 1, 1951 |
44-34703 |
Yer'ol Dad |
728th |
July 19, 1951 |
44-34560 |
Pasadena Pistol Packer II |
729th |
July 21, 1951 |
44-34350 |
729th |
July 27, 1951 |
44-34587 |
730th |
August 5, 1951 |
44-34362 |
728th |
August 26, 1951 |
44-34580 |
728th |
September 7, 1951 |
44-34337 |
Vivian Girl |
728th |
September 17, 1951 |
44-34750 |
729th |
September 17, 1951 |
44-34539 |
730th |
September 21, 1951 |
Unknown |
730th |
September 29, 1951 |
44-34547 |
I Have Returned |
729th |
October 1, 1951 |
44-34349 |
729th |
November 25, 1951 |
44-34666 |
730th |
December 27, 1951 |
44-34313 |
Junio |
730th |
February 28, 1952 |
44-34562 |
Chili Lilli |
728th |
March 22, 1952 |
44-34417 |
730th |
Non-Combat Losses & Accidents |
Date of Loss |
Serial Number |
Name of Aircraft |
Squadron |
December 12, 1950 |
44-35925 |
729th |
December 17, 1950 |
Unknown |
730th |
December 18, 1950 |
44-34727 |
729th |
December 20, 1950 |
44-35922 |
728th |
Early 1951 |
44-34563 |
Old's 88 |
729th |
February 12, 1951 |
44-35917 |
729th |
May 15, 1951 |
44-34630 |
729th |
July 21, 1951 |
44-34656 |
Hell's Belle |
728th |
August 21, 1951 |
44-34532 |
Question Mark |
729th |
September 3, 1951 |
44-35745 |
729th |
September 25, 1951 |
44-34365 |
729th |
Geiger Field, Wash, 1 Ju 1943 Rapid City AAB, SD, 15
Jun 194: Pendleton Field, Ore, c. 11 Oct 1944 Walla Walla AAFld, Wash, c. 4 Nov-c. 22 Dec 1943 Deopham Green, England,
c. 3 Jan 1944-c. 6 Aug 1945 Sioux Falls AAFld, SD, c. 12-28 Aug 1945. Long Beach, Calif, 19 Apr 1947 George AFB,
Calif, 10 Aug-Oct 1950 Itazuke, Japan, c. 22 Oct 1950 Miho, Japan, 8 Dec 1950 Pusan-East AB, Korea, c. 17 May 1951-10
May 1952. Long Beach Mun Aprt, Calif, 13 Jun 1952-.
Lt Col Herbert O Wangeman, c. 15 Jun 1943 Lt Col Robert
B Satterwhite, 8 Feb 1944 Lt Col Marvin F Stalder, 28 Feb 1944 Col Thetus C Odom, 30 Mar 1944 Col Archibald Y Smith,
c. 24 Jul 1944 Col William D Eckert, c. 1 Aug 1944 Lt Col Charles W Sherburne, 13 Sep 1944 Col Burnham L Batson,
c. 25 Sep 1944 Col Jack E Shuck, 6 Jun 1945-unkn. Col Charles W Howe, 10 Aug 1950 Col Frank L Wood Jr, c. May 1951 Lt
Col John A Herrington, c. Jun 1951 Lt Col Harry C Mailey c. Dec 1951 Col James D Kemp, c. 28 Mar 1952-unkn.
World War II: Air Offensive, Europe; Normandy; Northern
France; Rhineland; Ardennes-Alsace; Central Europe. Korean War: UN Offensive; CCF Intervention; 1st UN Counteroffensive; CCF
Spring Offensive; UN Summer-Fall Offensive; Second Korean Winter; Korea Summer-Fall, 1952.
Distinguished Unit Citations: Germany, 7 Apr 1945; Korea,
9 Jul-27 Nov 1951; Korea, 18 Nov 1951-30 Apr 1952. Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation: 27 Oct 1950-27 Oct 1951.