Douglas A/B-26 Invader

A question of two On Mark aircraft with one identity - the N256H enigma.

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Douglas Serial # 44-34755 and 41-39221 ( A Marketeer and a Marksman )
A question of two aircraft with a single identity.
When, why, how, who ?
An investigation by Richard E. Fulwiler
This really confused me ....


Serial #: 41-39221
Construction #:
Civil Registration:

On mark Marksman

Name: None
Status: Display
Last info: 2010

Courtesy of
Richard E Fulwiler


Farrah Manufacturing Co Inc, 19??.

Registered as N9636C
Southern Natural Gas Co, Birmingham, AL, 1963-1966

Converted to On Mark Marksman C  ( circa 1962-1963 ? )
Registration changed to - N3035S
Mid America Pipeline Co ( MAPCO, Inc. ), Tulsa, OK, 1966
Exchanged registrations with Marketeer 44-34755,  June, 1968 from N3035S to N256H 
Bancroft Manufacturing Co., McComb, MS, 1970-1972.
Pk Meadow Inc/Ligon Air Inc, Ligonier, In.
Garret Corp, Phoenix, AZ, Circa 1979.
 - Modified for testing turbine engine in nose.
Garret AiResearch Corp, Phoenix, AZ, Apr. 1983-1988.
Registration changed to - N26GT
 - Used for engine testing.
Allied Signal Inc, Phoenix, AZ, Dec. 1988-1992.
Struck-off USCR, Jan. 10, 1992.
South Mountain High School, Phoenix, AZ, 1992-Current
 - Donated to Aviation Technology program
 - Displayed in outdoor compound


Serial #: 44-34755
Construction #: 28034
Civil Registration:


B-26B, On Mark Marketeer   

Name: None
Status: Unknown
Last info: 2010

Courtesy of
Richard E Fulwiler

Delivered to Reconstruction Finance Corp as 44-34755, 19??.
Immediately put up for disposal, 1945.
Superior Oil Co Inc, Chicago, IL, 1954.
to civil registry  - N67839  
Converted to On Mark Marketeer ( circa 1959 ? )
Ken McGee Oil Industries Inc., 19??
Flint Steel Corp, Tulsa, OK, 1963.
Registration changed to - N256H
Mid America Pipeline Co ( MAPCO, Inc. ), Tulsa, OK, 1966
Exchanged registrations with Marksman 41-39221,  June, 1968 from N256H - to - N3035S
John Rourke, Bartlesville, OK, 1969.
Registered as N3035S
Intercontinental Mining, New York, NY, 1970-1972.
Rebel Aviation Inc, Atlanta, GA, Mar 6, 1976-1977.
Removed from USCR, 1978.







Actual airframe timeline - Courtesy of
Richard E Fulwiler
Marketeer - Early, circa 1959 - ( 44-34755 ) ownership was transferred from Flint Steel Corp, Tulsa, OK to Mid America Pipeline Co, Tulsa, OK in 1966, registered as N256H.
Marksman #6 ( 41-39221 ) ownership was transferred from Southern Natural Gas Co, Birmingham, AL to Mapco Inc ( read = Mid America Pipeline Co ), Tulsa, OK in 1966, registered as N3035S.
In June 1968, Mapco Inc ( See Mid America Pipeline Co ), swapped registrations between their two On Marks, the Marksman becoming N256H, and the Marketeer becoming N3035S.
Marketeer - ( 44-34755 ) ownership was transferred from Mapco Inc ( See Mid America Pipeline Co ), Tulsa, OK to John Rourke, Bartlesville, OK in 1969, registered as N3035S.
Marksman #6 ( 41-39221 ) ownership was transferred from Mapco Inc ( read = Mid America Pipeline Co ), Tulsa, OK to Bancroft Manufacturing Co, McComb, MS in 1970, registered as N256H.

Richard continues, Probing around with the magic window I found this statement :
PR Newswire ; November 21, 1995;700+ words
...America Pipeline Company is a subsidiary of MAPCO NATURAL GAS LIQUIDS Inc., a business unit of MAPCO Inc.(NYSE: MDA). MAPCO NATURAL GAS LIQUIDS Inc. is one ...
MAPCO Natural Gas Liquids Inc.  


PO Box 645, Tulsa, OK 74101, United States



With this, I feel that  Mid America Pipeline Co ( MAPCO ) purchased both an On Mark Marketeer - ( 44-34755 ) registered N256H,


And a Marksman ( #6 ) - ( 41-39221 ) registered N3035S,


Sometime in 1966, with the Marketeer being acquired first.

In June of 1968, probably deciding to operate only one of the two aircraft, decided to retain the Marksman, but with the Company recognizable registration number  " N256H " . The registration was exchanged between the two aircraft, and the Marketeer, now registered as N3035S was put up for sale.

The Marketeer - ( 44-34755 ) ownership was transferred from Mid America Pipeline Co ( MAPCO Inc. ), Tulsa, OK to John Rourke, Bartlesville, OK in 1969, registered as N3035S.


The Marksman ( #6 ) - ( 41-39221 ) ownership was transferred from Mid America Pipeline Co ( MAPCO Inc. ), Tulsa, OK to Bancroft Manufacturing Co, McComb, MS in 1970, registered as N256H.


The timeline, accompanying photos, and corporate structure I came up with, supports this hypothesis.