When Richard was a young man, he spent an enormous amount
of time at Van Nuys.
Being somewhat interested in On Mark and their conversion
work on Invaders, he contacted their offices requesting drawings and photos in order to build an accurate model of a
Richard was introduced to the sales manager, William (Bill)
Boone and was provided with all that he requested, he was also given full access to their facility at any time.
Looking back on his days at On Mark, Richard has created
an accurate layout of the On Mark Engineering plant back in '62 and has been able to identify the locations of the drawings
The main photo which accompanies this section shows Richards life
long friend Greg Abbott, watching a departing C-97 from the 146TH Air Transport Wing one hazy day late 1962 from the SE corner
of the On Mark ramp.
He and I still like to remember the times we were together
on our visits to On Mark, and the Van Nuys Airport.