The modifications in detail consisted of:
Increased interior height by raising the fuselage top ( looks like a foot above the normal A-26 ) - and - deepening the belly
( by 6 to 9 inches - starting with a fairing at the nose landing gear well / forward bomb bay lower-partial bulkhead ) carrying
this height section aft to the break in the parallel longitudinal reference ( tapering to the tail ).
Increased the interior cabin length by adding what appears
to be a 6 foot " plug " in the fuselage aft of the wing. This configuration is remarkably similar to the L.B. Smith Tempo
II conversion design.
With the incorporation of the " ring spar " to replace the
rear wing spar carry-through structure, the interior would be open from the rear face of the forward wing spar, all the way
back to the rear pressure bulkhead ( behind the rear-most cabin side window ).
LAS was said to have used Constellation L-1049 Super G cabin
windows in conjunction with pressurization. These can be identified by the square shape with generously rounded corners as
seen on the aft fuselage ( 4 on each side, includes the entrance "Airstair" to starboard and the escape panel opposite ) and
the pair below the right wing. The oval windows above the wing appear to be horizontally sectioned from the side window size.
The cockpit windshield appears to be the normal A-26 curved units but with small cockpit side windows, both incorporating
heavier framing to withstand pressurization loads.
This configuration can also be found on the L.B. Smith
Tempo II conversion.
A newly designed fiber glass nose with considerable length
and contour revisions over the standard A-26. The added length of the nose was certainly increased to compensate for the added
fuselage length aft of the wing. This would bring the C. G. back to the correct location and aerodynamically improve the shape.
An added benefit would be an increased capacity to carry luggage and baggage in the nose along with the aft compartment (
note the small open doors on the right side, nose and tail ).
A half-dome transition shape to the aft end of the cabin
top to blend with the standard A-26 tail section.
Note how the vertical stabilizer leading edge blends into
a horizontal dorsal spine, ending at the half-dome transition. These shapes can be found on the On Mark Marksman " C " configuration.
As the LAS Super 26 preceded the Marksman series, it seems that there were many design elements used by the various conversion
companies, especially those operating from the San Fernando Valley area of California. It must be noted, however, that On
Mark Engineering dominated the A-26 Invader conversion business, and was successful beyond measure compared with their competition.