Based in Long View, Texas, this company did some very early Invader
executive conversions. There modifications basically included a six-place cabin in the rear fuselage and an air stair door.
Number of conversions is not known.
Note: Robert Gilmore LeTourneau (November 30, 1888–June
1, 1969), born in Richford, Vermont, was a prolific inventor in the earthmoving industry. His machines represented nearly
70 percent of the earthmoving equipment and Engineering vehicles used during World War II, and he was responsible for nearly
300 patents. With the help of his wife, Evelyn, he founded what became a private, Christian university, LeTourneau University,
in Longview, Texas, and was known as a devoted Christian and generous philanthropist to Christian causes, including to a camp
and conference grounds that now carry his name, "LeTourneau Christian Center."He was sometimes called "God's businessman".
Based in Long View, Texas, this company did some very
early Invader executive conversions. There modifications basically included a six-place cabin in the rear fuselage and an
air stair door. Number of conversions is not known, however listed below are a few of the A-26 invaders that were modified.
Serial number: 43-22275
Serial number: 44-34134
Serial number: 44-34520