The Wold Invader was powered by two Pratt and Whitney
R-2800-CB-16 engines, rated at 2,400 h.p. with water injection, and driving Hamilton
reversing propellers. Although of somewhat small cross-section,
the fuselage is luxuriously furnished for eight passengers
in four large reclining chairs and a divan. The cabin is "super-soundproofed" and provided with a toilet and extensive storage facilities, and
optional equipment included the following:
The following radio equipment, sufficient to take the aircraft anywhere in the world
Collins 51R3 Omni receiver
Bendix Omni receiver
17L3 Collins transmitter
Series 440 Wilcox 50W V.H.F. transmitter simplexed with Wilcox receiver.
Dual Collins R.M.I.
Dual A.D.F. Bendix MN62, Bendix markerbeacon receiver
F-ll A isolation amplifier
Cockpit and
cabin speakers
Collins 51V glideslope receiver
R89 glide-slope receiver.
More than 80 multi-engined executive and airline transports,
with a total value exceeding £5m, were sold by William C. Wold Associates, an American company specializing in transport aircraft sales.
The simple but highly successful Wold
technique centred on the production of a small brochure
describing the aircraft, which was circulated to a mailing list
of 7,000 company executives, pilots, purchasing agents, export and
import firms and operators, both in the U.S. and abroad.
companies flag ship conversion identified in the Wold brochure was the 300- m.p.h. Douglas B-26 Invader conversion with a luxurious five seat cabin and aft toilet.
Some of these "Wold Invaders" were ofter "On Mark" conversions that were simply refurbished
with internal and avionics upgrades.