
Marksman N827W - Cabin - view aft. Note the Rear
" Ring " Spar covered by upholstery.
Marksman N827W - Cabin - view forward. Note the
Rear " Ring " Spar covered by upholstery, the Forward ( Main ) Spar carry through with " Duck-Under " below right, and the
curtained opening above the covered structure.
Graham Robson photos, used with permission.





Marksman #4 - N99426 at Tamiami, FL after Hurricane
Andrew - Aug. 24, 1992. Interior shot looking forward from open Airstair Door. Graham Robson photo, used
with permission
Marketeer N40Y - Mid-Cabin - view forward, Lavatory
door closed. Forward ( Main ) Spar " duck-under " evident.
Marketeer N40Y - Cabin - view aft, Airstair open.
Marketeer N40Y - Cabin - view aft, Airstair closed,
work tables extended.





N6840D cabin under construction ( partial completion
) at the factory, view aft from the rear " Ring " spar area.
N6840D cabin interior, view forward from the rear seating
area, with the Airstair up and secure.
N6840D cabin interior, view aft from the rear "
Ring " Spar area, with the Airstair up and secure.
N6840D cabin interior, view forward from behind the
rear "Ring" Spar area. Of note is the beverage and food service, and the forward spar - cockpit entrance " duck-under " evident
to the right, below the wood surfaced carry through structure.

