
Corridor missions begin
The first American aerial reconnaissance efforts in the
Berlin Air Corridors were active at least by summer 1946. United States Air Forces Europe (USAFE) had the 45th Reconnaissance
Squadron, based at Furth near Nuremburg with a complement of F-6 Mustangs, the recon version of the P-51. Within the squadron
USAFE set up a secret flight, which received several A-26 Invader light bombers, and then covertly equipped them with cameras.
They began corridor flights not long after, disguising themselves as VIP transport and liaison aircraft. They of course used
Tempelhof as a turnaround airfield, and photography of Soviet installations began to flow to intelligence consumers. The saga
of the 'Berlin for Lunch Bunch' had begun. This name would for the next 44 years symbolize the morning flights to Berlin,
lunch at Tempelhof, and afternoon flights back to the West (most often by a different corridor).
1st or 2nd December 1946 A US Army Air Force A-26 Invader
piloted by George A. Curry of the US Army Air Force 45th Reconnaissance Squadron, Furth, Germany, became lost in heavy, unfavorable
weather while on a mission to Amsterdam, Netherlands, and eventually landed near the village of Egyek, northeast of Budapest,
Hungary. The other crewman on board was Donald G. Gelnett. The landed safely and the aircraft was flyable, but
very low on fuel. The local townspeople welcomed the Americans. Soviet Air Force officers questioned the crew
and were satisfied once Curry let them develop the on-board film and they saw nothing of consequence (he had kept his classified
maps and town plans hidden). On 6 December an American officer arrived from Budapest with enough fuel to get the A-26
out of the field, and on the 7th they flew over to the regular Budapest airfield. After an adequate refueling there, but hampered
by weather delays, the crew and aircraft returned to their home base on 12 December via Vienna, Austria.
April 1950 Soviet pilot P. Dushin claimed to have shot
down a US Air Force B-26 Invader.
April 1950 Soviet pilot V. Sidorov claimed to have shot
down a US Air Force B-26 Invader.
5 November 1957 A Republic of China Air Force B-26 Invader
was shot down over the People's Republic of China and the crew of three was captured. The crew was released eight months later.
18 May 1958 Indonesian Air Force (Angatan Udara Republik
Indonesia or AURI) F-51D Mustang pilot Ignatius Dewanto shot down a Civil Air Transport B-26B Invader (44-35221) that had
already been damaged by anti-aircraft fire. The B-26 had just bombed the Ambon Island airstrip in the Moluccas, in support
of a revolt in Sulawesi aimed at overthrowing the President Sukarno. The CIA pilot, Allen Pope and his navigator Harry Rantung,
were captured by Indonesian forces. Pope was held captive for nineteen months before being brought to trial in a military
court. He was accused of six bombing raids that killed twenty-three Indonesians, including seventeen members of the Indonesian
armed forces. Pope was found to be guilty and sentenced to death. The death penalty was not carried out and he was released
in 1962.

