Bailing out
When an emergency develops and it becomes
necessary to abandon the airplane in flight, there is no time for confusion or second guessing. Procedure of the entire crew
in bailing out of the airplane must be almost automatic. Each crew member must know (1) his duties, (2) through what hatch
he is supposed to exit, and (3) how to bail out, open his parachute, and land.
As airplane commander, his first responsibility
is to be sure that his crew is thoroughly trained, by regular ground drill, in the proper procedure for bailing out of
the A/B-26.
Before taking off on any flight make absolutely
sure that:
An assigned parachute, properly fitted to the individual,
is aboard the airplane for each person making the flight.
The assigned parachute is convenient to the normal position
in the airplane occupied by the person to whom it is assigned.
Each person aboard (particularly if he is a passenger
or a new crew member who has not taken part in your regular ground drill) is familiar with bailout signals, bailout procedure,
and use of the parachute.
The Airplane Commander
Notify crew to stand by to abandon ship. The bell signal
consists of three short rings on alarm bell. At first alarm all crew members put on parachutes.
Notify crew to abandon ship. Bell signal consists of
one long ring on alarm bell.
Check abandoning of airplane by crew members in nose.
Clear bomb bay of tanks and bombs, using emergency release
Turn on autopilot.
Reduce reduce airspeed, if possible. Hold ship level.
Abandon aircraft through cockpit canopy and if possible across to
trailing edge of wing.
Copilot's/Navigator's Duties
Assist airplane commander as directed.
Determine position, if time permits.
Direct radio operator to send distress message, giving
all pertinent information.
Bombardier's Duties
Aft Turret Gunner's Duties