Douglas A/B-26 Invader

The Paul Cooper collection

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Hello. My name is Paul and I live in Ohio (U.S.).
I am writing to you in regards to Douglas A26 Invader manufacture #28605, military # 44-35326. This aircraft had been sitting derelict since mid 90's at the Rockford Illinois Airport. I am proud to say that I saved this aircraft from being scrapped. The previous owner stated to me that he was going to remove the props and some instruments and scrap the plane. I made the connection between the owner and the Indiana Military Museum (I moved a Lockheed T-33 for this museum a couple years ago) and next I know the museum owns the plane and I was contracted with the task of disassembling, transporting, and reassembling the plane at the museum. As of right now the complete plane is at the museum and I will reassemble it in the spring 2012.

The below shots were taken from September 26th thru October 2nd of this year ( 2011 )




