Your site has given my partner and I so much information
we are indebted to you for a long time. We have purchased sn. 44-34774, and are in the process of rebuilding her to airworthy
status. Matt Cooper has been a great help in tracking down lost parts and pieces. We have formed a LLC in the US, Blue Pacific
Air Group (BPAG) and are building a website and all the needed ingredients. Presently the aircraft is possibly 2 years away
from it's first flight, fingers crossed. We will keep you updated.
Information that you may not know, 44-34774 was the first
on mark conversion, and is such we believe a significant airframe. BPAG will return her to as close to warbird standard as
we can considering the on mark modifications. We have all the log books from day one and micro fish manuals as well. All we
need now is to put her together......
We have taken photo and video so far and will pass that
on if you need.
Dave, my partner is an aircraft engineer, and has his
own company called Aircraft Restoration Company. also he purchases and makes STC"s for various aircraft types.
We both worked for a company doing
worldwide mapping on lear jets for a number of years and this was when we came up with the dream of getting a warbird. We
spent a number of years looking for a proper plane and this one sort of fell into our laps. We have had the aircraft for coming
up to a year and a half. I live and work in Hong Kong flying a corporate aircraft. So between the 2 of us we are trying to
make this thing work. We are getting a lot of support but missing a lot of technical support but have found lots of interest
and support from already flying aircraft owners.
Peter Garraty
The two shots above were sent to me by Matt
Cooper, Matt writes:
I just found your website for the Douglas A-26.
It is fantastic! My father, the late Dick Cooper, purchased A-26 N917Y (ex N67163, N163Y) in 1990. He died unexpectedly
in 1993 and my mother later donated the plane to a museum in 1997. The A-26 has been disassembled and stored indoors
for the last 10 years or so with no additional work having been done other than the initial prep for restoration. Ownership
is changing again, so hopefully restoration will finally begin in the near future.
I was 14 years old when my dad purchased
N917Y and it became a big part of our lives together. We both accompanied the ferry pilot (Hugh Glassburn) on the ferry
flight from Rockford, Illinois to Everett, Washington-a 2 day trip encompassing 8 hours of flying. I have continued
a career in aviation, currently flying B737s for Alaska Airlines in Seattle, Washington. My true passion however are
old planes. I have been fortunate to fly a number of seasons in DHC-2 floatplanes and 2 years hauling cargo in Beech
Attached are two photos from our ferry flight in September 1990. The first shows my dad and I in front of
N917Y just prior to departure from Rockford. The second is during a fuel stop in Rapid City, South Dakota. I apologize
for the low quality scans of the photo prints.
Thank you for all the work you have put into your website. I plan
on spending many hours checking it out!
Matt Cooper
The above shot was taken by Glen Chatfield at Rockford
IL in 1988
The restoration
Serial #: 44-34774 Construction #: 28053 Civil
Registration: N(L)67163 N163Y N910Y
N917Y Model: A-26B
On Mark conversion Name: None Status:
Unknown Last info: 2012
History: Delivered to Reconstruction Finance Corp as
44-34761 - Immediately put up for dispossal, 1945. Standard Oil Co, Chicago, IL, 1949-1954. - Registered as N67163.
To On Mark Engineering, Van Nuys, CA with c/r N163Y. Standard Oil Co Of Indiana, Chicago, IL, 1961-1964. -
Registered as N163Y. Pan American Petroleum Corp, Tulsa, OK, 1965. Standard Oil Co Of Indiana, Chicago, IL, May 31,
1965. Nine Ten Corp, Chicago, IL, Aug. 4, 1965. - Registered as N910Y. Greenacres Farm Inc, Lexington, KY, 1966-1972. -
Registered as N917Y. Joel McNeal, San Diego, CA, 1977-1984. Courtesy Aircraft Inc, Rockford, IL, 1985. Bob Collings/Collings
Foundation, Stowe, MA, Mar. 1985-1990. Warbirds & Vehicles Inc, Seattle, WA, Nov. 1990-1995. The Air Station,
Arlington, WA, June 25, 1997-2002.
13th Jan 2010 to Aero-Trans Corp BA, Ocala, FL
Purchased by Peter Garraty and partner, they have formed an LLC in the US, Blue Pacific Air Group (BPAG) The refurbishment should take two years
and they are hoping for a first flight in 2014 |