I had an interesting mail from Alain regarding a diorama he was trying
to creat for a Drone Invader,
Hi Mr Simpson,
I'm reading your very good website because I'm looking for informations
to finish my A26C model kit. This is very pleasant to read, for informations and for "the piece of life". I prefer the human
side of plane.
Perhaps, you can help me. I'm modeling an A26C with drones (JD 1
D ?, I don't know). I want to do a diorama where the plane is being stripped paint before repainting in the drone scheme (I
apologized for my approximative english...). So I want to find the BuAer of one which had flied in Korean war and was transformed
at the beginning of the 50's. It's possible ?
More thanks for helping.
Good evening.
Alain Collin-Seguy from France.
Hi Martin,
After hours of research and some help of Jean-Jacques Petit and Cyril
Defever, I found the 44-3566 which was in Japan in 1954 with the 67th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, crashed in 1954 and transformed
in DB-26C as you write it on your website (14th photo).
Hi Martin,
I was looking for some pictures of the trolley for the Firebee drone
after seeing this one on the first picture on your website. I believe you said, you're on the picture with your father.
So, I'd like to scratch this trolley.
I found this website with pictures of it and I thought it could interest
Thank you an other time for your kindness and your help during my
I thought another thing, if you think my kit is good enought, I can
send you good pictures to put on your website.
Good evening.
Your sincerely.
Hi Martin,
I hope these pictures will be as you want.